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since 6.4.1996

1994 carset for 88 mod part 1
cc#48 - 1/17/2005 - 22,944.6 kb - 9439 User Downloads  
Posted By: ranman38  
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Posted By: CC#48  
Glad to hear that! : )
Posted By: radney  
Thanks alot. I have it figured out now. I'm hoping someone does a 1984 and 89 set.
Posted By: CC#48  
I keep all my sets in separate folders as to not get them mixed up..Such as in the series aero88 folder I have a folder which has in in the 1990 set. Let's say, and in the folder I have a folder called cars. Then when I want to drive the 1990 set I move the other cars to their folder and drop the 1990 cars in..This makes it simple for me to have the right cars when I race that year...So saying this here is how my aero88 folder looks as for carsets..I have 6 folders, one for each set. The folders are named like this; 1994 carset,1988 carset,1992 carset,1993 carset,1991 carset,1990 carset, and inside that folder is the folder called cars.. And when I drive the 1992 carset I move the cars that are in the series folder to their right folder and move the 1992 cars out of their folder into the series folder..I hope this helps you out...As for the same cars as the 1991 set..They can't be because the 1991 cars are named like this 1991_7_kulwicki.cts.car and 1994 like this 1994_24_gordon.cts.car. Different names and the cars are different looking with different logos and such on them..So The roster files that you had I can post them for you no problem that is what you over writen when you loade the 1994 set in to your folder..So maybe try and keep things seperate and you will know what cars will be there when you run that series...Later Chris.....
Posted By: radney  
I have a slight problem here. Once I've downloaded the 1994 set, it erased my 1991 set. I believe this set was the same as 91 except for a few cars here and there. I would like a separate roster file.Instead of having a car set, you had it where as it was for each race and it knocked out my old set. I'm asking for help recovering the 91 set and how to keep it separate.
Posted By: CC#48  
I was informed a few rated cars are missing from 1994 set..#26 Brett Bodine, #27 Jimmy Spencer, #28 Ernie Irvan, #29 Steve Grissom here they are all rated..Sorry about that Guys... http://www.nascarnet.com/filelibrary.asp?fileid=38353
Posted By: CC#48  
Part 2 is here http://www.nascarnet.com/filelibrary.asp?action=comment&fileid=38337 Thanks to Ranman 38 , for without him trying to get this posted for us this set was not to be here.. OK..1994 set, has ;100 cars all rated and comes with roster files like the 1991 set has to give you as close to the real cars that ran the tracks in 1994..also is a 1994 schedule which uses the papy retail tracks and the 2004 North Wilksboro track...Big thanks to all painters, to those who helped with pictures and info on the 1994 set. Those who made the modified templates and to "The Pits for the Awesome Areo 88 Mod"...This is the 5th set from the 1990's made for this Awesome Mod..All are available here at Nascarnet.. The #1 Sim Racing site on the Net! Thanks once again to all ..Enjoy
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