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Truck Expansion Pack is *GOLD*
Alex Santantonio - 4/3/2000  

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Well, I recently visited Babbage's game software site and was interested to find nothing other than NASCAR 4!!! For just $49.99 you can preorder NASCAR 4 and get it in time for the END of this years racing season. Hmmm, release estimated for an incomplete project, sometime in October, I expect to have it be mid to late 2001. Check it out here.
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Alex Santantonio - 4/3/2000  

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I received an email a few days ago from Brandon Crick of ACT-LABS. He just wanted ot let everyone know that the ACT-LABS Force RS and RS Shifter are in stock and ready for order. He also said that the N3 patch being released by Papyrus will include support for the RS Shifter. ACT-LABS will also be releasing a NASCAR overlay for the shifter in the future.
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Alex Santantonio - 3/28/2000  

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Welcome to the new site.
Alex Santantonio - 3/24/2000  

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Hello and welcome to the new nascarnet.com. I have finally finished a long rebuild of nascarnet.com and I hope that you like it as much as I do. Lately there have been a few too many copycat sites popping up, all offering the same thing as the last. I want to take this opportunity to change this site into something that the sim community has been lacking for some time, a community gathering place.... see the full story
NASCAR Legends for $2
Alex Santantonio - 3/6/2000  



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Well, not quite that cheap but still pretty good. Cheerios is offering full software titles for the cost of three box's of Cheerios and shipping. I ordered mine and got it two days later. Click here for information
The Long Awaited Daytona!!!
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Attendees of this years Bud Shootout, Daytona 500, and all other speedweeks events who purchased an official program were met with a huge surprise, a CD with an official NASCAR 3 and NASCAR Legends Demo CD.... see the full story
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created by alex santantonio